Library Tapestry

Showing category "information" (Show all posts)


Posted by Fiona F. May on Sunday, December 11, 2011, In : information 
It's funny. I've been interviewed for news articles about the library several times now. Each time, I choose my words carefully. Each time, I hope that whatever gets printed is approximately what I meant. Words taken out of context can be misleading, for better or worse. Words empower, but they can also mock or tear down. I've studied the transmission of information in library school for the last 2.5 years. The one thing I am sure of is this: Information is at the heart of what makes humans h...
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On Recognition

Posted by Fiona F. May on Monday, February 7, 2011, In : information 
I thought the term "personal branding" was edgy enough. Now I find another term, "Micro Celebrity," that encapsulates the idea even better. As we busily create another blog post, website update, tweet, profile pic, or other momentary announcements, what is our real hope? Recognition. Look at me! See what I can do! I'm a Celebrity!

Granted, some of the things we share are worthwhile, entertaining, or thought-provoking. Thank goodness. So many, however, are just that much more blah blah in the c...
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